Interview with the author conducted by Gianluigi Da Rold at the conclusion of the pilgrimage to Lourdes for the tenth anniversary of the papal recognition of the Fraternity of CL (17 October 1992) and published in the “Corriere della Sera” on 18 October 1992 (p. 3) with the title Don Giussani: il potere egoista odia il popolo. In 1993, after slight revision, the text became part of the miscellany L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo under the title “Don Giussani: il potere egoista odia il popolo” (BUR, 1993 pp. 125-130; last BUR edition, 2003) and in 2000 it formed the appendix to the miscellany L’io, il potere, le opere (Marietti, 2000, pp. 214-219) under the title “Il potere egoista odia il popolo”.