This volume contains parts of the three texts bearing witness to the early formation of the experience of the Communion and Liberation movement, at that time called Gioventù Studentesca.
The article Tracce d’esperienza cristiana (GIAC and Gioventù Studentesca, 1960) is republished complete (pp. 13-88) while the first two appendices, “Una premessa di metodo” (pp. 91-99) and “Incontro” (pp. 101-133), contain passages from Appunti di metodo cristiano (1964, pp. 5-45). The text in the third appendix, “Aspetti metodologici del richiamo cristiano” (pp. 135-171), is taken from G.S. Riflessioni sopra un’esperienza (1963, pp. 11-37; the brief initial chapter, “Deciso come gesto" (1963, pp. 9-10, appears at the conclusion on pp. 170-171). The volume was reissued by Jaca Book in 1991.
The three writings are now published complete in Il cammino al vero è un’esperienza (SEI, 1996; first edition SEI, 1995).