This is the first edition of the text Tracce d’esperienza cristiana published in Milan in 1960.
In 1972 Jaca Book published the text for the first time in the volume of miscellaneous writings titled Tracce di esperienza e appunti di metodo cristiano (Milan, 1972, pp. 77-140; reprint of the original). Subsequently the text was republished complete in the volume Tracce d’esperienza cristiana e altri scritti (Jaca Book, 1977, pp. 13-88. Reissued Jaca Book, 1991, pp. 15-60).
The small volume now forms part of Il cammino al vero è un’esperienza (SEI, 1996, pp. 45-75. First SEI edition, 1995), which reprints the three texts that marked the beginnings of the Communion and Liberation movement, at that time called Gioventù Studentesca.