In 2003 Rizzoli republished, unabridged, the miscellaneous volume titled L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo (1993, BUR “Supersaggi”) in its collection BUR “I libri dello spirito cristiano”. On this occasion the text was revised and additions were made: the notes (pp. 131-139), bibliographical sources (pp. 141-144) and an index of subjects (pp. 145-155).
The volume is divided into three sections. The first part (“Freedom of man and the Christian event”) contains the writings titled “Christianity: a human encounter” (2003, pp. 7-25), the previously unpublished text of the Author’s address to the Synod of Bishops on the laity (Rome, 9 October 1987) issued complete by the ADISTA press agency under the title Mons. Giussani: “Comunione vivente col Papa, luogo dell'ultima pace per ogni fedele” (22-23-24 October 1987); a summary of the address was published in the “L’Osservatore Romano” (11 October 1987) and “CL-Litterae Communionis” under the title I movimenti ecclesiali forme storiche per la missione della Chiesa (11, 1987, p. 5, translations; this last is the reference indicated in the “Sources” of the volume published by BUR, 2003, p. 141). In 1997, ten years after the Synod, “Litterae Communionis Tracce” republished the full text together with a homily and discourse of John Paul II to the Synodal Fathers on 30 October 1987 (Dal Battesimo un protagonista nuovo, in “Litterae Communionis-Tracce”, 9, 1997, p. 51).
“Part II” titled “the Church, living body of Christ” brings together the following papers: “Come nasce un movimento” (pp. 29-50), an address by Father Giussani to the international vacations of CL (Corvara, Auust 1989), previously published under the same title in the monthly “30 Giorni” (2, 1990, pp. 4-13), the miscellany Un avvenimento di vita cioè una storia (EDIT-Il Sabato, 1993, pp. 394-412) and the volume Comunione e Liberazione. Un movimento nella Chiesa (edited by Davide Rondoni, Cooperativa Editoriale Nuovo Mondo, 1998, pp. 71-85; translations); “Memoria, non devoto ricordo” (pp. 51-57), the text of a meditation for Thursday in Easter Week delivered by Father Giussani to the university students (Certosa di Pavia, 8 April 1993), formerly published under the same title in “CL-Litterae Communionis”, 5, 1993, insert; translations); “L’avvenimento implica un metodo” (pp. 59-63), text of the address to the Assembly of CL office-holders (Milan, 24 November 1992; in the “Sources” the event is erroneously dated 10 October 1992; BUR, 2003, p. 142), formerly published in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (1, 1993, inserto; translations) with the title L’avvenimento è un metodo (the BUR text omits the introductory comment , BUR, 2003, p. 59); “Il sacrificio più grande è dare la propria vita per l’opera di un Altro” (pp. 65-70), notes revised by the author relative to the National Council of Office-Holders of CL (Milan, 15 February 1992), text published in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (4, 1992, insert), in the booklet Dalla fede il metodo. Conversazioni di Luigi Giussani 1992-1994 (Cooperativa Editoriale Nuovo Mondo, 1994, pp. 25-28) and in “Litterae Communionis-Tracce” (4, 2005, pp. 1-7); “L’appartenenza sorgente di moralità e di cultura” (pp. 71-77), abstract of the address by Father Giussani on the Day marking the Year’s End for the Adults of CL (Milan, 30 May 1992), text published with the same title in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (7-8, 1992, insert; translations); a fuller and more detailed version of the same paper was published in June of the same year with the title Appartenere a Cristo oggi. Appunti di un approccio al problema presi in una conversazione con don Luigi Giussani (supplement to “Il Sabato”, 26, 1992, pp. 12-31).
The last part is titled “La fede e le opere” and with the exception of the first article, it presents a number of addresses by the author to the national assemblies of the Compagnia delle Opere (CdO). “La carità costruisce per sempre” (pp. 81-86) is the text of a conversation with a group of adults of CL in Friuli ten years after the earthquake and formed part of the convention “Nella carità la solidarietà diventa opera” (Tarcento, 25 October 1986). The article was published with the same title in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (2, 1987, pp. 22-24; translations) and was subsequently reissued as “La carità si fa opera” in Il lavoro dell’uomo (Compagnia delle Opere/Movimento Popolare/EDIT, 1988, pp. 17-21; translations) and in the miscellany L’io, il potere, le opere. Contributi da un’esperienza col titolo “Di fronte al bisogno, un’ipotesi positiva” (Marietti, 2000, pp. 134-147). A passage from the address (BUR, 2003, pp. 82-83) was also published in Una compagnia all’opera. Incontri, storie, testimonianze e vademecum della Compagnia delle Opere, an introduction to the chapter “Testimonianze” in the section “Voci e fatti di solidarietà” (Compagnia delle Opere, 1988, p. 22).
“Vivere con gioia la terra del Mistero” (pp. 87-91) is the abstract of an address by the author to the first National Assembly of the CdO (Milano, 5 December 1987), published, with the same title, in Il lavoro dell’uomo (Compagnia delle Opere/Movimento Popolare, EDIT, 1988, pp. 23-26; translations), in Le opere. “La fede senza le opere è morta”(Cooperativa Editoriale Nuovo Mondo, 1989, pp. 18-19, “Grandi Quaderni di Litterae Communionis 4”), in “Corriere delle Opere” (7, 1991, p. 8-9 ) and in the miscellany L’io, il potere, le opere with the title “Dal cuore il lavoro, dal lavoro l’opera” (Marietti, 2000, pp. 91-95). “Le opere: realismo e creatività della fede” (pp. 93-101; CdO, Milano, 4 March 1989) it was published with the same title in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (4, 1989, pp. 8-11; translations), and reissued unaltered in the pamphlet titled Le opere. “La fede senza le opere è morta”(Cooperativa Editoriale Nuovo Mondo, 1989, pp. 20-23, “Grandi Quaderni di Litterae Communionis 4”), in “Corriere delle Opere” (7, 1991, pp. 10-12) and in the volume L’io, il potere, le opere (paragraph 2 of the chapter “La compagnia si dilata in libertà”, Marietti, 2000, pp. 154-161). “Veramente utili alla compagnia umana” (pp. 103-110; CdO, Milano, 26 January 1991) it was published with the title La felicità e le opere in “Corriere delle Opere” (3, 1991, pp. II-IV), with the title Perché tu sia felice in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (3, 1991, insert; translations) and with the title Veramente utili alla compagnia umana in “Corriere delle Opere” (7, Meeting 1991, pp. 13-15) and in the miscellany L’io, il potere, le opere. Contributi da una esperienza (first paragraph of the chapter “La compagnia si dilata in libertà”, Marietti, 2000, p. 148-154). “Le opere nascono solo quando uno ha il coraggio di dire “io”“ (pp. 111-115; CdO, Milan, 14 March 1992) it was published in the pamphlet Intanto qualcuno costruisce (proceedings of the conference, supplement to “Corriere delle Opere”, 3, 1992, pp. 5-8), in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (5, 1992, insert) and in L’io, il potere, le opere (Marietti, 2000, p. 99-102). “Una passione per l’uomo” (pp. 117-121; CdO, Milan, 6 February 1993), it was published with the same title in the pamphlet Una tensione ideale (conference proceedings, supplement to “Corriere delle Opere”, 4, 1993, pp. 7-10) and in L’io, il potere, le opere (Marietti, 2000, pp. 129-133; translations) with the title “Creare una casa più abitabile per l’uomo”.
The “Appendix” contains an interview with the author titled Don Giussani: il potere egoista odia il popolo (pp. 125-130), conducted by Gianluigi Da Rold at the conclusion of the pilgrimage to Lourdes for the tenth anniversary of the papal recognition of the Fraternity of CL (17 October 1992) and published in the “Corriere della Sera” on 18 October 1992 (p. 3). The text was reiussued in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (11, 1992, pp. 60-63; translations) with the title Un problema di metodo and, in 2000, it formed the appendix to the miscellany L’io, il potere, le opere (Marietti, 2000, pp. 214-219; translations) with the title “Il potere egoista odia il popolo”.