The present booklet contains three statements by the author on the theme of work delivered between October 1986 and December 1987. The Presentazione by the publisher (unsigned, pp. 7-8) is followed by the author’s address to the gathering of the CL Young Workers on the theme of “Senso religioso e lavoro”, held at Bergamo on 1 May 1978 (pp. 9-16). The text was republished with the title “Sempre più in là” in the miscellaneous volume L’io, il potere, le opere. Contributi da un’esperienza (Marietti, 2000, pp. 51-59). In 1987 “CL-Litterae Communionis” published a summary of the address under the title “Senso religioso e lavoro” (6, 1987, p. 7).
“La carità si fa opera” (pp. 17-21) is the text of a conversation with a group of adults of CL in Friuli ten years after the earthquake, held as part of the convention “Nella carità la solidarietà diventa opera” (Tarcento, 25 October 1986). The article was published under the title La carità costruisce per sempre in “CL-Litterae Communionis” (2, 1987, pp. 22-24; translations), in the miscellaneous volume L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo (BUR, 1993, pp. 81-86; new BUR edition, 2003) titled “La carità costruisce per sempre” and in the miscellaneous volume L’io, il potere, le opere. Contributi da un’esperienza, when it was titled “Di fronte al bisogno, un’ipotesi positiva” (Marietti, 2000, pp. 134-147).
“Vivere con gioia la terra del mistero” (pp. 23-26) is the summary of an address by the author to the first National Assembly of the CdO (Milan, 5 December 1987), subsequently published in Le opere. “La fede senza le opere è morta” (Cooperativa Editoriale Nuovo Mondo, 1989, pp. 18-19, “Grandi Quaderni di Litterae Communionis 4”), in “Corriere delle Opere” (7, 1991, p. 8-9), in L’io, il potere, le opere under the title “Dal cuore il lavoro, dal lavoro l’opera” (Marietti, 2000, pp. 91-95) and under the title “Vivere con gioia la terra del Mistero” in the miscellaneous volume L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo (BUR, 2003, pp. 87-91; first BUR edition, 1993).