A revised and expanded edition of the volume G.S. riflessioni sopra un’esperienza published in Milan in 1959.
The brief “Foreword to the First Edition” (p. 3), which explains its genesis, is followed by the “Foreword to the Third Edition” (p. 3-4), which describes the revisions made to the book.
In 1972 Jaca Book republished the text complete as part of the volume of miscellaneous writings titled Tracce d’esperienza cristiana e appunti di metodo cristiano ("Riflessioni sopra un’esperienza”, pp. 7-76; reprint of the 1963 edition).
In 1977 Part I “Direttive metodologiche per il richiamo” (1963, pp. 5-37) was published under the title “Aspetti metodologici del richiamo cristiano” as an appendix to the volume Tracce d’esperienza cristiana e altri scritti (Jaca Book, 1977, pp. 135-171. New edition, 1991, pp. 108). The opening chapter, “Deciso come gesto” (1963, pp. 9-10) is published as a conclusion on pp. 170-171.
The text is now contained in Il cammino al vero è un’esperienza (“Gioventù Studentesca: Riflessioni sopra un’esperienza”, SEI, 1996, pp. 3-43. First SEI edition, 1995), a volume that reprints the three writings that marked the beginnings of the Communion and Liberation movement.
In the same year, Part I “Direttive metodologiche per il richiamo” (1963, 5-37. Il cammino a vero è un’esperienza, SEI, 1996, pp. 3-24) was published in “Litterae Communionis-Tracce” under the title Noi impariamo osservando la realtà; non applichiamo nostre idee alla realtà (2, 1996, insert; translations).