12 Results Found
Secondary Bibliography

È, se opera: Appunti da conversazioni con dei giovani. Agosto 1992 - settembre 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Di Martino Carmine Curator
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

30 Giorni

Place of publication : Roma
Pages: 96

Secondary Bibliography

He is if He Changes: Notes from conversations with young people. August 1992 - September 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Di Martino Carmine Curator
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

30 Days

Place of publication : Rome
Pages: 48

Secondary Bibliography

Er ist, da Er wirkt: Aufzeichnungen von Gesprächen mit Jugendlichen. August 1992 - September 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Di Martino Carmine Curator
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

30 Tage

Place of publication : Rom
Pages: 112

Secondary Bibliography

Il est s’il agit: Conversations avec des jeunes. Août 1992 - septembre 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Di Martino Carmine Curator
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

30 Jours

Place of publication : Rome
Pages: 100

Secondary Bibliography

Está, porque actúa: Apuntes tomados de conversaciones con jóvenes. Agosto 1992 - septiembre 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

Ediciones Encuentro

Place of publication : Madrid
Pages: 49
ISBN : 84-7490-341-6

Secondary Bibliography

Introdução do cardeal Jean-Jérôme Hamer em É, se opera: Notas de conversações com jovens. Agosto de 1992 - setembro de 1993, [de Luigi Giussani]

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

30 Dias

Portoghese BR
Place of publication : São Paulo
Pages: 3

Secondary Bibliography

É, se opera: Notas de conversações com jovens. Agosto de 1992 - setembro de 1993

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Introduction

30 Dias

Portoghese BR
Place of publication : São Paulo
Pages: 48

Secondary Bibliography

Introducción del cardenal Jean-Jerôme Hamer de Está, porque actúa: Apuntes tomados de conversaciones con jóvenes. Agosto 1992 - septiembre 1993, [de Luigi Giussani]

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

Ediciones Encuentro

Place of publication : Madrid
Pages: 3
ISBN : 84-7490-341-6

Secondary Bibliography

Einleitung von Kardinal Jean-Jérôme Hamer in Er ist, da Er wirkt: Aufzeichnungen von Gesprächen mit Jugendlichen. August 1992 - September 1993, [von Luigi Giussani]

Giussani Luigi Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

30 Tage

Place of publication : Rom
Pages: 3

Secondary Bibliography

Introduzione a È, se opera: Appunti da conversazioni con dei giovani. Agosto 1992 - settembre 1993, [di Luigi Giussani]

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

30 Giorni

Place of publication : Roma
Pages: 3

Secondary Bibliography

Introduction by Cardinal Jean-Jérôme Hamer to He is if He Changes: Notes from conversations with young people. August 1992 - September 1993, [by Luigi Giussani]

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

30 Days

Place of publication : Rome
Pages: 3

Secondary Bibliography

Introduction du cardinal Jean-Jérôme Hamer à Il est s’il agit: Conversations avec des jeunes. Août 1992 - Septembre 1993, [par Luigi Giussani]

[Giussani Luigi] Author
Hamer Jean Jérôme Author

30 Jours

Place of publication : Rome
Pages: 3