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Search and other tools

The site offers various search methods:




This tool simultaneously searches the full text of documents where available and the editorial summaries for all catalogued publications.

When a search is performed for multiple words, the default search criteria is AND, regardless of the words order and of the parameters of the search on a single page (a search for “faith reason charity” will bring up results if all three words are present on the same page).

It is also possible to search for Exact word or phrase: this option will appear and can be selected whenever a user enters more than one word in the search box.

Search results are, by default, sorted according to their rank (based on the number of times the search term appears within the text), but can then be ordered according to the date or alphabetically.

Below the search bar are Drop-Down Menus allowing you to filter publications based on the following criteria: editorial type of work, language of publication, author, year of publication.

When a search has not been performed to date, the categorization of all the publications surveyed will appear.

When a search has been performed, the results obtained can be filtered by refining them.

The menu Type of work (accessible from the Drop-Down Menu or by clicking View details by type) follows the criteria adopted for the categorization of publications.



On the homepage, the texts in the sections Publication by Luigi Giussani and Secondary bibliography have different graphic layouts.





Clicking ‘advanced search’ opens the options to search within:

Full text of a single publication, by entering the title in the search form (which uses the same criteria as those described for the primary search function).

Alphabetical index of titles.

Bibliographical information.

Search by Series, a section with titles grouped by unifying themes defined by the author, based on their content (Il PerCorso), the type of text (booklets for the CDs in the Spirto Gentil collection) or the events that were the source of the texts (Equipes, Quasi Tischreden, Fraternity Exercises).        
By selecting a series and clicking “search,” a user can view the titles, editorial summaries and full text documents of those texts that belong to the series (results are listed in chronological order).      
After selecting a series, it is possible to search within the related full text documents by filling in the search form below (results are sorted based on their rank).      
This section lists texts where the full text is available, any previous editions may be accessed using the links in the editorial summaries.





In this section the user can view and manage the searches performed during the current session. If the user is not logged in, once the session is over or when the web page is being updated, all recent activity will be deleted.

Three different icons will allow you to:

  • : expand the menu to view all the data for a search;
  • : repeat the search performed in order to update it;
  • : save one’s search in “Your Searches” section (only for the users who have logged in).





The section is made up of the following parts:

  • YOUR SEARCHES: this shows all the searches performed by the user who has logged in; by selecting the icon the search already performed will be updated; by clicking on the icon  the selected search in the section THE SEARCHES YOU SAVED can be inserted.
  • THE BOOKS YOU SAVED: it shows the list of favorite works, saved through the icon displayed in the editorial summary;
  • THE SEARCHES YOU SAVED: it shows the list of favorite searches (saved by the user by clicking on the icon in the sections “YOUR SEARCHES” or “LATEST SEARCHES”.

Technical specifications

The website can be viewed using the latest versions of the most commonly used browsers and is designed on a responsive platform to adapt for use on smart phones and tablets.

Why register?

Access to the digital library of Fr. Giussani is free and open to the public; however, some features are reserved for registered users.
Registration is required in order to:

- view the full texts of publications

- view previous searches performed and favorite texts

- save favorite publications

- receive the newsletter.