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[New York Encounter 2025] Here follow the events related to the writings and thought of Fr. Giussani

20 February 2025

New York Encounter, a weekend of public discussions, exhibits and live performances organized by Communion and Liberation USA, took place from February 14-16, 2025.


We report the following events related to Luigi Giussani’s writings and thought

Friday, February 14

Piano concert in memory of Fr. Luigi Giussani, accompanied by his reflections on music collected in the volume Spirto Gentil: An Invitation to Listen to Great Music with Luigi Giussani, available in bookstores from February 18.

The concert featured the participation of Kuok-Wai Lio, classical pianist, and Deniz Demirer, actor, introduced by Pier Paolo Bellini, Professor of Sociology, University of Molise and the curator of the Spirto Gentil music series, and Christopher Vath, musician.



Saturday, February 15

A conversation on the book In Search of the Human Face by Fr. Luigi Giussani, available in bookstores from February 18.

Speakers included: Michael Hanby, Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy of Science, Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Washington, DC; John Milbank, President of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, The University of Nottingham; Aaron Riches, Professor of Theology, Benedictine College.



The presentation held in Rome of Fr. Giussani's new podcast


We highlight the video of the presentation of Luigi Giussani’s podcast “And who do you say that I am?”, which took place last February 3 in the auditorium of the National Library of Rome.


Introductory greeting: Fr. Andrea D'Auria, director of the International Center of Communion and Liberation.

Speakers included: His Excellency Erik Varden, bishop of Trondheim (Norway); Alessandro Sortino, journalist and writer.

Moderator: Mattia Ferraresi, journalist and writer.  


Read the article by Valentina Frigerio published on clonline.org.



The podcast, produced by the Fraternity of CL with Chora Media, is available on Spotify and major audio platforms: a journey in eight episodes that will allows us to identify ourselves, through his living voice, with the events and humanity of the protagonists of the Gospel.   


05 February 2025

Fr. Giussani. A legacy for all

Read the article by Paola Ronconi published today on clonline.org

Fifteen years ago the website “Scritti di Luigi Giussani” went online, which collects nearly 5000 texts by the founder of CL in multiple languages. 

Today, Giussani would have turned 102.


Today, October 15, Fr. Giussani's birthday, we like to celebrate him by telling to readers about a tool that may seem designed for scholars, experts, or theologians. The website scritti.luigigiussani.org is actually very easily accessible, even if just to search for a phrase or concept dear to him. And in no time you get words that warm the heart, that enlighten the mind. 

The project was set up in 2004, and the “Scritti” website went online in 2009. It is now fifteen years old, making it possible to consult a literary legacy (whose potential is still to be fully explored) made up of speeches, books, and articles by the Ambrosian priest. With the aim of increasingly disseminating Fr. Giussani's thought. We are talking about a “container” where, free of charge upon registration, many texts can be consulted in full pdf format. 

The first available text dates back to 1944 (later published in 2001). This is where the website begins, with the homily that Fr. Giussani gave from the pulpit of the basilica of Desio on December 26 of that year, while still a deacon. The biography The Life of Luigi Giussani recounts that the young seminarian filled eight notebook pages for that homily. And in a corner of one of the pages he wrote, for the first time, the short prayer that is so dear to every member of movement: Veni Sancte Spiritus. Veni per Mariam. 

Fr. Giussani was a man who not only wrote but also talked a lot until the mid-1990s. In some cases, careful historical investigation has been necessary to confirm the authorship of the texts. Many of them, especially those that have been published multiple times over the years (for example, The Religious Sense), are accompanied by a file that reports their publishing history to offer the user, whether a mere reader or a scholar, as complete a scholarly record as possible. 

In total, there are 4,717 entries on the site, of which 1,426 are in Italian; a third are available in full as pdfs. There is also a “secondary bibliography,” a series of scholarly publications (volumes, theses, articles, conference proceedings) on Fr. Giussani and his thought. Texts that have been translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese are also available. For other languages, a list of translations is provided, totalling nearly 3,000 foreign publications. 

The hope is that the website will increasingly encourage the study of Fr. Giussani's work, but it also wants to be a point of reference for those who simply want to engage with his thought.

You just need to register for access.


15 October 2024

Il senso cristiano dell’uomo secondo Reinhold Niebuhr | Watch the lectures held in Rome and Milan

Rome, June 6, 2024 - Pontifical Gregorian University

Speeches: Card. Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See; Michelina Tenace, Professor Emeritus of Dogmatic Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University; Monica Scholz-Zappa, Editor of the book. 
Moderator: Fr. Andrea D’Auria, Director of the International Center of Communion and Liberation 




Milan, June 11, 2024 - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Speeches: Msgr. Mario Delpini, Archbishop of Milan; Fr. Enrico Castagna, Rector of the Seminary of Venegono; Lorenzo Ornaghi, Former Rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; Monica Scholz-Zappa, Editor of the book.   
Moderator: Alessandro Zaccuri, Journalist.




19 June 2024

Fr. Giussani: Opening of the Testimonial Phase for the Cause of Beatification

On Thursday May 9, 2024, at 5 p.m., the Archibishop of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini, held the First Public Session of the Testimonial Phase for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Fr. Luigi Giussani at the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan.

The celebration began at 4 p.m. (CEST), with a moment of prayer and songs.





03 May 2024

Podcast on The Religious Sense | “A lesson from Fr. Giussani”


On November 7, 2023, an event entitled “A lezione da don Giussani: Ascolto e dialogo sul podcast Il senso religioso” [A lesson from Fr. Giussani: Listening and discussing about The Religious Sense podcast] was held at the Aula Magna of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. 

Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See and Full Professor of Banking Law and Financial Markets Law at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, and Mario Calabresi, journalist and CEO of Chora Media, spoke starting from the listening of three audio excerpts from the podcast that covers the contents of the Author’s best-known book, The Religious Sense.               
The event concluded with a talk by Mario Delpini, Archbishop of Milan.             
The moderator was journalist Stefano Zurlo.  



The podcast, created by the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation and produced by Chora Media, is available on Spotify and all major platforms.


12 November 2023

Series of encounters: The ‘I’, Power, Works. Full text and videos now available

On the occasion of the educational path on L’io, il potere, le opere: Contributi da un’esperienza (Marietti, 2000) [The ‘I’, Power, Works: Contributions from an Experience], we inform you about the chance to browse the full text of the work and the videos of the encounters.  



You can also browse online the full texts of the editions in the following languages:




[FIRST ENCOUNTER] THE ‘I’ - May 20, 2023 - Milan     
Speakers included: Monica Scholz-Zappa, Professor of Linguistic and Cultural Sciences, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg in Breisgau; Francesco Occhetta, Secretary General of the Fratelli tutti Foundation. Moderator: Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity.


[SECOND ENCOUNTER] POWER - June 10, 2023 - Milan     

Speakers included: Marta Cartabia, Professor of Constitutional Law, Bocconi University, Milan; Mauro Magatti, Professor of Sociology, Catholic University, Milan.     
Moderator: Giampaolo Silvestri, Secretary General AVSI Foundation.


[THIRD ENCOUNTER] WORKS - July 1, 2023 - Milan     

Speakers included: Luis Rubalcaba, Professor of Economics, University of Alcalá; Massimo Borghesi, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Perugia.     
Moderator: Guido Bardelli, President of the Company of Works.



19 July 2023

The Religious Sense | Access the full texts of the new edition in English and other languages

"It is a book for all human beings who take their humanity seriously."  
(from the Preface to the Italian edition by Jorge Mario Bergoglio)


The Religious Sense summarizes Luigi Giussani's thought and experience.   
Starting from today, you can access online the full texts of the latest edition of the volume.



Full Text in ITALIAN

Full Text in SPANISH







20 June 2023

Introduzione alla realtà totale | Watch the lectures held in Rome and Milan

Rome, October 11, 2023 – International Center of Communion and Liberation

Speakers included: Msgr. Paolo Pezzi, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Mother of God in Moscow; Giorgio Chiosso, Professor Emeritus of General Pedagogy and History of Education at the University of Turin; Carmine Di Martino, Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Milan.     
Moderator: Fr. Andrea D'Auria, Director of the International Center of Communion and Liberation.  



Milan, October 26, 2023 - Centro Culturale di Milano

Speakers included: Sergio Belardinelli, Full Professor of Sociology of Culture, University of Bologna; Giorgia Pinelli, Department of the Arts, University of Bologna; Pierpaolo Triani, Full Professor of Pedagogy, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Piacenza and Milan campuses; Carmine Di Martino, Full Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Milan.    
Moderator: Letizia Bardazzi, Italian Association of Cultural Centers. 


07 November 2023

New Publications
New in bookstores!

Giussani e i Padri della Chiesa: Una tradizione vivente 
[Fr. Giussani and the Fathers of the Church: A living tradition] 
(Marcianum Press, 2023) 

In this volume, twelve scholars of early Christianity introduce and investigate the Church Fathers that Fr. Giussani most frequently referred to throughout his extensive work.   




25 September 2023

New Publications
New in bookstores

Introduzione alla realtà totale: Saggi sul pensiero pedagogico e sociale di Luigi Giussani 
[Introduction to the Total Reality: Essays on the Pedagogical and Social Thought of Luigi Giussani]
(BUR Rizzoli, 2023)

This volume – the last of three published on the occasion of the Centenary – collects contributions by personalities from the current Italian and international cultural scene that highlight Fr. Giussani’s pedagogy in its fundamental categories, its significance, its historical incidence, and its capacity to illuminate the present.



Watch the video of the encounter "The Pedagogical Genius of don Giussani"
(Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples, August 22, 2023).

Speakers: Timothy P. O’Malley, Director of Education at the McGrath Institute for Church Life and Academic Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, University of Notre Dame; Monica Scholz-Zappa, Lecturer in Linguistic and Cultural Sciences at Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg im Breisgau; Carmine Di Martino, Full Professor of Moral Philisophy, University of Milan.
Moderator: Alberto Savorana, Head of Editorial Activities at Communion and Liberation.





25 September 2023

New Publications
New in bookstores

La meta e i passi: Don Giussani e l’educazione: Confronti [The goal and the steps: Fr. Giussani and education: Discussions]
(San Paolo, 2023)

This volume collects the talks relating to the series of meetings "Educare oggi" [Educating Today], held in Milan in 2022. Speakers included University Professors and communication experts, along with representatives from the world of education.   




24 September 2023

Full texts available in Portuguese


Starting from today, you can browse Luigi Giussani’s books and contributions translated into Portuguese, all readable in full text.




23 August 2023

The Religious Sense | Presentations of the new edition of the volume in Milan and Rome

May 2, 2023 – Teatro Dal Verme, Milan

The event, introduced by Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL, featured a dialogue with Javier Prades, Spanish theologian, moderated by Irene Elisei, journalist.





 June 7, 2023 – International Center of Communion and Liberation, Rome

Speakers included: Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna and President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference; Wael Farouq, Associate Professor of Arabic Language at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan; Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL.  
Moderator: Fr. Andrea D’Auria, Director of the International Center of Communion and Liberation.






20 June 2023

New Publications
New in bookstores

Il senso religioso: Volume primo del PerCorso [The Religious Sense: First Volume of PerCorso].

Foreword by Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Milan: BUR Rizzoli, 2023. 


The Religious Sense is not a book exclusively for members of the movement, nor is it only for Christians or believers. It is a book for all human beings who take their humanity seriously.

[…] The Religious Sense emphasizes that speaking seriously about God means exalting and defending reason and discovering its value and the right way to use it.

(From the Foreword: text of the speech by Jorge Mario Bergoglio on the occasion of the public presentation of the Spanish edition of the book, Buenos Aires, October 16, 1998) 



11 April 2023

New Publications
New in bookstores

Vivere la ragione: Saggi sul pensiero filosofico di Luigi Giussani [To Live Reason: Essays on the Philosophical Thought of Luigi Giussani]. 

Edited by Carmine Di Martino. Milan: BUR Rizzoli, 2023


This volume, the second of three planned to celebrate the Centenary of the Author’s birth and respectively dedicated to his theological, philosophical and pedagogical-social thought, is intended as an attempt, open to new and further developments, to look into the works by Luigi Giussani in an organic way. 




11 April 2023